Saturday, 3 December 2011

Herman The German

As a belated birthday present our lovely Pickwell Holly gave me a baby 'Herman the German' friendship cake.
Along with this little creamy looking liquid were some strict instructions in how to care for Herman.
It involved ten days of focused stirring, a lot of love while doing so, and a good feed every now and then in order that Herman can be split into babies to give away to loved ones.
We all lived in fear of Holly's last words that as long as the bubbles were there, Herman was still alive.
Given my track record with plants, i was terrified of being responsible for the sudden absence of bubbles and thus the death of poor Herman.
The kids got the concept immediately and it was love and first sight for Zac.
Each day Herman grew and grew in the bowl
Until at last Day 9 arrived and we were able to separate Herman four ways.
Zac chose to give his to his teacher, Liza chose to give hers to her friend Daisy and I gave mine to Tracey.
The baby that was left was ours. We fed Herman a good hearty meal that day, added in some banana and chocolate chunks and cooked him.
It did actually taste great (i don't mean to sound so surprised)and I am sure i felt all that love that Holly had put in as I swallowed and it nestled somewhere around my soul x


  1. I absolutely love this. I gave Holly one of my baby Hermans in Southampton at the beginning of November. My baby Herman came from my mother at the end of July in Oxfordshire. What an amazing love trail! x

  2. Wow! Lovely to hear of how far Herman has travelled! So, my baby Herman must have had a number of lovings before coming to me. No wonder he tasted so good! x
